In and around Tampa Bay, you can hire L3 Limo Party Bus, a luxury company with a full fleet of party buses, ready to help you with your event. Get directions on a map or make a free quote online to rent a party bus. We include unlimited stops within a 30-mile radius of the pickup location. Anything over the 30-mile radius we charge a 20% fuel charge.
After paying 20%, you can travel anywhere in the state of Florida. To see purchase prices, search for Ann Arbor Limousine and Party Bus Bay Area for price comparison. Party Bus Tampa brings comfort, class and elegance to your transportation, ensuring that your trip in Tampa is comfortable and that your parties are fun and more memorable. With a party bus or limousine on our side, you don't have to organize a carpool, navigate traffic, or find parking.
Party Bus prices vary depending on the size of the bus you want, the time of day, the day of the week you need, the season and the period of time you want to rent the bus. When you rent a party bus with Party Bus Tampa, you ensure an absolutely safe night for you and your friends.